Nighttime Sky, Volume 1, No. 16

$ 300.00 USD

365 Lyrics™, presents Day 16 in a 365 day lyrical journey. From The Pine Needle Man™ art, music, and literature libraries, NIGHTTIME SKY, presents a lyrical theme, music, and message focused on spiritual growth for the 21st century.

Key Lyric

Shining out the light in you, for all the world to know.

Song Lyric

You are the light of the world, the sunshine in the day, the nighttime sky, cannot compare to the way, you were meant to glow. Shining out the light in you, for all the world to know. Cause you are the light of the world.

The Perfect Choice for Daily Awakening

365 Lyrics™ is all about the inspiration. The simplicity and wisdom of each day's lyrical theme is designed to inspire and uplift you. Let the art, music, and daily meditation provide the food you need to boost your personal knowledge about the subject of spiritual life.

Experience the positive changes that follow when you focus on the values and ideals of life's best choices. Enrich your soul with daily content while building a healthy spiritual life within! What could be a better way to begin and end each day?

Want more? Start your journey today!
  • Daily Lyrical Themes
  • Original Music Performances
  • Meditative Day by Day Studies
  • Reference Links
  • Gift Cards, CDs & More

© 2020 Art with Values™


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